Why Businesses Need Science and Technology

Posted on 02/20/2020 04:18 pm

Businesses and Technologies have always had a symbiotic relationship. No matter what specific niche your business is in, certain technologies will always help you in pursuing different aspects of it. Technological innovation affects your efficiency, your market’s culture, and the way you conduct your business. Let’s break down some of the most important aspects where science and technology can help you.

1. Marketing Communications

In an internet-driven world, the attitude of the market relies heavily on emerging technologies. One good example is social media, whose advent has affected a lot of the ways marketing has been re-imagined in the past decade. Today’s busy business environment has made it harder to catch people’s attention, making businesses adjust to being more quick and concise with their responses

One of the most challenging topics to market is Science and Technology. What do Science and Technology do for the people? According to studies, most Filipinos are experiencing difficulty in Science and Mathematics, and the intervention of the media has a very big part in this.

The Science and Technology Information Institute (www.stii.dost.gov.ph), the media and marketing arm of the Department of Science and Technology made sure that this issue is being addressed. Through its various media platforms including DOSTv Science For the People (www.dostv.ph), the TV and Online platform of DOST, marketing Science and its benefits to the Filipinos in their everyday life becomes achievable but still requires a lot of leg work to completely remove S&T stigma.

 2. Security, Efficiency, and Access

Traditional businesses put importance on physical property as a basis for their business cultures; however, this slowly changed in the past decades. Financial institutions specifically realized that there is a difficulty when it comes to keeping physical bank records for long periods—papers start to crumble and expire, files can be lost due to natural and man-made causes, and real properties cost too much due to high demand for space in the metro. This prompted them to go digital when it comes to security because the nature of their business demands confidentiality. With all of the personal files and transactions converted digitally, they eliminate the physical cost of renting a space to store files and significantly reduce the risk of file loss. Security measures using blockchains provide stronger encryption for files and allow for easy recovery and taking into account who accesses sensitive files. Using technology, all of this is possible no matter what stage of business you are in. This digitization process is also applicable to our books in our libraries. Not just for business purposes but also, for education and keeping research publications free from any further damages.

Did you know that DOST-STII has been digitizing its library? You can pay a visit to their library or log on to www.stii.dost.gov.ph

3. Research and Development

The businesses that survive are the businesses who evolve. With technology becoming a forerunner when it comes to innovation, it’s inevitable to need to be in touch with the latest updates. There are always new ways for how technology can improve the efficiency and efficacy of your business, opening new opportunities for getting ahead of your competition!

This is where science and technology come in. The intervention of Research and Development in any kind of business is essential. R&D provides factual information and analysis of long term business plan and its development.

Among others, the Department of Science and Technology is the spearhead of R&D. DOST provides Research and development facilities for almost everything that you need.

For the lists of services provided by DOST, log on to www.dost.gov.ph

There are more ways how technology can improve your businesses, but hopefully, these convince you in adapting and embracing it! For more information and articles like this, visit us at www.dostv.ph or you can follow us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/DOSTvPH

Your daily dose of Science and Technology news in the country, DOSTv Science For The People!

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